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Amazon Hardware(AllSkyCam): Hardware Store(AllSkyCam): Amazon Hardware(Weather Station)
RaspBerryPi 1x 4″ ABS Pipe NodeMCU v3 w/ Development Board
128GB Micro SD Card 2x 4″ ABS Pipe End Cap TSL2591
Right Angle USB 3.0 Cable 2x 4″ ABS Female Adapter BMP180
Right Angle Micro USB Cable Silicone MLX90614ESF
ZWO ASI120MC-S 1.2 MP Astrophotography Camera 9″ Extension Cable NEO-6M APM 2.5 Flight Controller GPS
Arecont 1.55mm 1/2 F2.0 Fixed Iris FishEye Lens PC Fan(I had one laying around) Active 28dB 3-5v GPS Antenna 
USB Dew Strap Small Board 0.96 Inch OLED 128×64 I2C Display
3″ Acryllic Dome Right Angle Brackets PCB Boards
AllSky Screws Jumper Wires
USB Wall Charger (Had one laying around)


I’ve now built two of these units and absolutely love them. Having one at my house and a close by dark site allows me to track the night sky. By adding on an Arduino Weather Station/Sky Quality Meter I can tell when my best seeing conditions are as well as detect weather patterns. AllSky handles the AllSkyCam portion with very little effort on the users end. Just get everything wired up and you’re pretty much off to the races.

